I'm not sure how fe_nodequeue and nodequeue work together, so I apologize if this is in the wrong spot. I did post on fe_nodequeue as well.

I just installed a new drupal install tonight with openchurch theme. I went through and enabled the modules/dependencies for openchurch, and now I can't get into my modules section because of this error.

I tried different combinations of nodequeue and fe and updated php, and the error still persists. Not sure where even to go with this one.

PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'qid' in 'field list': SELECT qid, name FROM {nodequeue_queue}; Array ( ) in _fe_nodequeue_get_qid_map() (line 224 of /home/ceigreen/public_html/modules/features_extra/fe_nodequeue.module).

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


santhony’s picture

Actually.. This may be related - https://www.drupal.org/node/2050119

fizk’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (works as designed)

That error seems to indicate that you're using Nodequeue 3.x, which doesn't have the "qid" column.

Also, from #2050119: PDOException: Unknown column 'qid' in 'field list': SELECT qid, name FROM {nodequeue_queue} fe_nodequeue error, it seems that fe_nodequeue is not compatible with Nodequeue 2.x or 3.x.

On a side note, according to http://cgit.drupalcode.org/openchurch/tree/drupal-org.make?h=7.x-2.x , the openchurch distro is using a very old version of Nodequeue (2.0-beta1 from 2011), and an old version of Features Extra (1.0-beta1 from 2013). I recommend asking them to upgrade to Nodequeue 2.0 and Features Extra 1.0.

kevster’s picture

I just got a very similar message when upgrading to latest 7.x-2 version - I didnt realise there is a version 3 dev so im definitely not on that? Ive tried latest 2.0 dev as well.

I will now try the 3.x to see if that clears it..

WD menu: PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'nq.qid' in 'field list': SELECT[error]
nq.qid AS qid
{nodequeue_queue} nq; Array
in nodequeue_get_all_qids() (line 707 of /data/sites/whm2/html/sites/all/modules/nodequeue/nodequeue.module).

updating to 3.x dev does seem to clear up the issue after running drush updatedb I no longer get the warning.