I'm doing in-browser editing to make CSS adjustments. I found one but oddly the color is not working but everything else like margin is.

Screen shot here

Am I doing something wrong? As seen in the screen shot, the margin works great and moves the element but the blue color won't apply to the text.



nevets’s picture

Your image does not show the id of the element but I doubt it is 'title-color' (#title-color refers to an id) and I do not see a class 'title'color' for the element.

Deaf Guy’s picture

What I can't understand is everything as #title-color works - the font, margin, etc. Except the color. What do I do to get the color of the text to change to blue

Jaypan’s picture

Is there an anchor tag as a child to that element? If so, you need to apply the color to the anchor.

Deaf Guy’s picture

I figured it out and want to post it here for others. The tag for the color was getting cancelled out so I had to add "h3" in the CSS code and it works now. Thanks for your help.