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In Drupal 7 and earlier versions of Drupal 8, route rebuilding was triggered by a global flag (shared between requests),
so the next time some process required routing information, the rebuild was triggered, and a lock is set, which other processes run into as well.

Drupal 7

variable_set('menu_rebuild_needed', TRUE);

Drupal 8


This lead to various problems:

  • Bad performance during the rebuilding for multiple processes
  • Race conditions caused by the lock

Drupal 8 (after beta8)

The route rebuild indicator service is removed and replaced by \Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteBuilder->setRebuildNeeded().
At the end of that request, the router is then rebuild, so other processes don't request a rebuild.

If some code wants to cause a router rebuild, the code looks like the following:


Some edge cases, like automated tests may need to trigger a rebuild immediately (so that new route information is available in the same request already). This is still possible with:

Module developers
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