I'm late to the game and have recently made a site with zen grids.
Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place but there doesn't seem to be much support
or activity with it?

I've also dabbled with Bootstrap but had some issues getting it to work with SASS.
It seems easy to use if you can put classes all over your HTML and in a lot of cases Drupal can be clunky to achieve this.

What are the alternatives, is there anything better out there for doing responsive design with Drupal?


VM’s picture

Zen seems to be the most popular (basing popularity on reported installs).

Drupalima’s picture

How about omega comparing to zen ?

VM’s picture

Omega comparing to Zen in what way? usage statistics? if yes, the response above does not change. Note, you can review usage statistics on any project on drupal.org by reviewing the project pages of modules/themes.

If you mean a general comparison see: How about omega comparing to zen ?

narendraR’s picture

hectorplus’s picture

I am almost in the same situation as you, here is my advise:

check out Zurb them: https://www.drupal.org/project/zurb_foundation
learn how to use zurb: http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/css.html

I decided to ditch Bootstrap for Zurb. Zurb is mobile first approach, rather than desktop first. As it appears, mobile is growing everyday, and Zurb has a embraced this approach.

If you have any question, feel free to drop me a message. I am in the same situations as you.



gkom’s picture

I prefer Zurb Foundation too, but just to set the record straight, Boostrap is using a mobile-first approach nowadays (didn't used to).

gkom’s picture

I believe it all comes down to what you are used to and what can get the job done.

Zen grids is simply a grid system. You can use any grid system with Zen i.e. susy.

Foundation and Bootstrap provide lots more. It depends on what you want/need.

I just switched from Zen Grids to Foundation for my current project and I have to say that I'm rather liking the pre-built functionality (you can easily choose which components to load). And it uses SASS.
I love the fact that I can just add a couple of classes in a view and be done with it :)
Yes, you do add more classes to your html but IMHO it's a small price to pay. You can of course add your own mixins and avoid adding classes to standard sections.

That's my two cents.

Davis Brown’s picture

I recommend "TemplateToaster" . It is a powerful theme framework, used for designing themes and templates for five major content management systems