I'd like to write a simple module that displays a list of files available for download.
I've followed the sample module guide/tutorial, and I've got the basics of this done (very quickly, yay!) - as a block. What I don't understand yet, is how this block could be transformed to show as a page as well.

My mind is thinking that it's going to have be some form of q=???? url, but I don't need the page to be "content" as such. I'd never require more than one page. That is, I don't need the ability to be able to "create content" of this type. I just need a way to provide a menu link to the page.

Can someone punt me in an appropriate direction? I've read the developers module help - which talks about nodes - I've read a little of the drupal API docs (in particular, I thought the hook_view might be the way to go - but not sure).

I guess Im having trouble seeing the page lifecycle with just what I have right now... even though there are all thos nice diagrams in the docs :-(

If it helps in describings answers - my current module is called ... suprise suprise... files.module.

It's currently deployed at http://planb.cloudnine.net.nz if anyone cares to see what it looks like.

Neil Clayton


scornflake’s picture

The answer lies here: http://drupaldocs.org/api/4.6/file/contributions/docs/developer/examples...

Which describes how to create 'pages' in drupal.
After creating a _menu and _view function, I was done.
