Hi dear,
I am relatively new to drupal, I have try to install this theme "TB Purity" "https://www.drupal.org/project/tb_purity" but its not working as it suppose to be...
I did installed supporting modules is as well, such as ... Nucleus base theme, jquery update, Quick tabs, Superfish, views slideshow, TB mega menu, but it did not worked at all.

I tried this theme both on D7 & D8, I need help in case I am missing any installation step please.
I really appreciate your help. Thank you.



VM’s picture

Which version of Drupal is in use? If D7 you cannot use D8 modules/themes. If D8 you cannot use D7 modules/themes.

msanwer’s picture

Hi dear,
I did try it on both D7 and D8, with separate installations of theme and modules, specially on D7 with D7 modules and theme, but it did not worked! I was wondering in case I am missing any installation step/module/trick. Thank you.


VM’s picture

I know you said D7 and D8 but you've tagged this thread D8 and the theme you are questioning is only available in D7 so testing on D8 doesn't make any sense at all. Please edit the opening post and switch the version to D7.

you will need to be more clear on what doesn't work mean. Did you receive any errors?

msanwer’s picture


sorry about that, version updated, no errors on any stage of installation, after installation I was only able to see basic layout of the page, but NO slideshow, no Main menu (horizontal bar), no main content blocks, no footer!

I only stuff I able to see is side blocks, header!


wusel’s picture

That is the Drupal way. That is correct!

Learn Drupal detailed (e.g. at https://www.drupal.org/documentation/build and its links and there links) and after that you know, that you have to add content!
