Hey guys,

I'm running Drupal atm and there are two weird problems and I don't really get it.....


- The website is running on different languages. The content gets displayed in a certain language on the same URL instead of redirecting users to the specific site. Google is just indexing the English site (in every country). Is there any chance to tell Drupal that it should redirect a user from France to the "com/fr" site and not showing him French content on ".com"?

So I can visit .com or .com/fr when I'm in France to get French content. But I would like to get redirected to .com/fr (I don't even get why I'm getting French content on an URL with English content (.com).....)


- My main category work without a problem - I click the link in the menu and I get to my landing page. But Drupal always adds a "?breadcrumbs=...." after the linked URL when I click on a subcategory in the menu of the main category.

Does anyone know why I get this? It seems that there a two different sites - one with the breadcrumb and one without - the H1 titles on the sites are different (for some reason).


Is it some sort of Drupal configuration I did wrong?

I would be really happy if someone could help me with this issues.

All the best & have a great week,
