
I would like to set up a privileged Drupal role that allows those with this role to view content pages, but not to allow saving any changes made to content pages. (The specific reason is to provide access to Summary fields which are not otherwise exposed.)

I do have the Content Access module installed and for each content type, it does provide the following permissions:

  • Create new content
  • Edit own content
  • Edit any content
  • Delete own content
  • Delete any content

For now, my only option is to provide this role with 'Edit any content', but what I really want is 'View any content in Content Editor but disable Save '.

Any suggestions for how this can be accomplished?


nevets’s picture

What summery fields are you referring to?

Kimeros’s picture

If you want only some logged in users to view the page summaries but not edit an option could be to:

Display the page as your normally would.

Create a view (/admin/structure/views/) which displays the page summary in a block - limit access of who sees it by selecting "Access: Role" under the views "Page settings" and set it to the role of your choice.

Enable the block (/admin/structure/block) to display on the page where you want it to be seen.

That way, logged in users with your special role can see the summary and other users can only see the rest of the page.