I'am trying to define Drupal behavior for my created module, I want to display a specific data to the block that is the content of a tab in a quicktab, so I need to call the appropriate one, so here is my try (.js file ) :

Drupal.behaviors.MyModuleName= {
 attach:function(context, settings)
  // code here will be executed on page load
  if (!settings) settings = Drupal.settings.changeLinks;
  $(Drupal.quicktabs.myquicktabName.mytabName).onload(function {

      //some code here to define onload   });

so I need to know how say this $(Drupal.quicktabs.myquicktabName.mytabName) in js and how manage the content of the block in the tab in question.

NB: blocks defining tabs content are implemented in the same module

Any idea will be appreciated.