Hi! I've a question for you,,,

In Views 3 module, when I try add fields, filters or order criteria in a views generated for another module, I found that only can add a fields predefined. as well in filters and sort orders.

Which module enable in "Views 3" the option for add any fields, filters and sort order in views generated for others modules with total freedom? (I feel like William Wallace XD)


VM’s picture

views provide lists of data that is already in the database. It doesn't create fields. If there are modules that aren't working with views, those issues should be taken up in the issue queue of those modules to provide a feature that allows the to integrate with views.

Manuel P.V.’s picture

Thank you for the answer but, for your answer, I think I did not express myself well.

I haven't said to create fields in views module, I said to add fields to a views. And... the views that I try to add more fields is generated for a module that work with views (The title says.).

With all due respect, before you take me for a fool, with inconclusive answers (I do not know if it's because you do not understand the structure of the modules, or if it's because you prefer to troll that to help or because they do not pay attention), I'd like you to try to understand what I'm asking, because it is not the first time.

Anyway, I found the solution myself. I publish to the next comment.

Si conozco la respuesta, te ayudaré.

VM’s picture

(I do not know if it's because you do not understand the structure of the modules, or if it's because you prefer to troll that to help or because they do not pay attention

or.. perhaps because the question wasn't clear enough as you alluded to in your first sentence.

maybe you need to invest a little more time in being a bit more clear in what you are asking. If English isn't your native language consider a translation tool.

Manuel P.V.’s picture

The views module provide lists of fields that is already in the fields of the modules that generated the view. Only if already are in the modules. If you want add fields, order or filter in this pre generated views, Before, you need add this fields in those modules.

To do this, go to the configuration of the module, and add the fields where applicable.

Thank you very much for the community.


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