
I am trying to use the "views send" module for sending bulk mail to my authenticated user group. The mail format has a fields for

1. Sender's details
2. Recipients details
3. Message
4. Tokens
5. Additional email options

I want to hide the sender's details and also other options such as additional email options. I made a change in system.theme.css and added #edit-from {display: none;} for hiding the sender's details. But, if I create another "views send" view the same settings are applied [i.e. hiding senders details] by default.

Is there some way that I can only apply the details to one "views send" email format and not the other?

Would appreciate if someone can help me with this




Danieltjones’s picture

You can change the type in (views_send.module) to 'value' instead of 'textfield' to hide the elements and comments the tokens etc out.

The only problem with hiding the senders details is they can't be changed and it will always use the site admin email/username. I am working on changing this to default to the currently logged in user's details but until then, I don't think it should be hidden.