
Works with Drupal: 7.x

Using Composer to manage Drupal site dependencies


Download radix-7.x-3.0-rc2.tar.gztar.gz 1.04 MB
MD5: 94b507436af225ecfe2656315c9ca4ab
SHA-1: 05e347b0c3ffcb7f6f745f69cf1bdfab46041298
SHA-256: fab233d57820dd503e228fee65c7f52b0c9da060984b15f9562c7dc2fd740898
Download radix-7.x-3.0-rc2.zipzip 1.07 MB
MD5: f74a2d1e787cdf39a0375b71cd610a05
SHA-1: 46dc8cca16450f5f2f37ec7a199f8cd61855a024
SHA-256: 694a5f4f9d26ac1d24876aad4a3ad37e9d60f7da4acebef836ec8ac3d41361d5

Release notes

- Removed IE stylesheets from base theme.
- Update
- Reference to flield_slideshow causes errors.
- Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in radix_preprocess_page().
- Updated compass_radix to 3.1.5.
- Updated font awesome to 4.3.
- Search form in in header missing label.
- The views "rewrite the output of this field" input field isn't displayed properly.
- Radix-script.js "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function".
- Merge branch '7.x-3.x' of into 7.x-3.x.
- Cannot use string offset as array in radix/template.php with Authcache 2.x.
- Added a field directory for templates.
- Added a field partial.
- Added for field theming funtions.
- Skip to content anchor broaken.
- Moved Bootstrap js to hook_preprocess_html.
- Packaging information committed in .info file.
- Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: [path].
- Recompiled Sass.
- Updated Gemfile.
- Updated compass to 1.0.
- Fixed comment styling.
- Comment out Sass compilation message for now.
- Updated Gemfile for compass_radix 3.1.
- Added container wrapper to content.
- Updated to compass_radix 3.1.2.
- Made compass_radix partials import overwritable.
- Removed radix-livestyle since it is not used for dev anymore.
- Themes for admin pages.
- Updated compass to 0.12.4.
- Updated default kit to bootstrap 3.2.0.
- Downgrade to Bootstrap 3.2.0 since jQuery 1.9 will not work with CTools.
- Updated Boostrap to 3.3.0.
- Update to boostrap-sass 3.3.0.
- Fixed Checkboxes in People page misaligned.
- Removed implementation of template_preprocess_views_view.
- Implemented hook_libraries_info_alter.
- Set encoding to UTF_8 for css_splitter.
- Updated FontAwesome to 4.2.0.
- Moved scripts back to page top to fix JS issues with Panopoly.
- Fixed Format on edit page is vertical not horizontal.
- Fixed Notice: Undefined variable: sidebar_first in include() in include() (line 27 of radix/templates/system/maintenance-page.tpl.php.
- Fixed container width inside panelizer.
- Made container take auto width when inside view-mode-teaser.
- Made container take auto width when inside view-mode-panelizer.
- Added a user directory for template files.
- Rename other template directory to radix.
- CSS updates.
- Allow for integration with the modernizr module.
- Console.log in radix-modal.js.
- Added a block partial.
- Renamed font partial to typography.
- Updated sass partials.
- Add a custom class for each region that has content.
- Get the current panel display and add some classes to body.
- Update description for kit option.
- Moved scripts to the bottom.
- Ignore only compass_radix extension.
- Added .idea to gitignore.
- Cleaned up field slideshow templates.
- Updated logic for adding active link.
- Comment cleanup.
- Added template for radix-alert.
- Added a radix_alert theme.
- Enabled boostrap popover.
- Revert "Enabled boostrap popover".
- Enabled boostrap tooltip.
- #2277999: In ajax enabled views pager does not work by pivica: In ajax enabled views pager does not work.
- Merge branch '7.x-3.x' of into 7.x-3.x.

Created by: shadcn
Created on: 2 Mar 2015 at 19:49 UTC
Last updated: 15 Jan 2020 at 18:13 UTC
Bug fixes

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