I'm going to make a website having among others an archive for documents.
People will upload a scanned document and assign certain properties to them. I was thinking of starting with some minimal lists for each of the properties including a blank option. If someone chooses the blank option, he can freely type. The text typed will then be added to the list of that property. When someone after that uploads a document, the newly added value is then included as an option, and there is also still retained the blank option. How do I do that in Drupal? Outside of the framework, using php or even just plain sql stored procedures this is trivial, but how do I make this work properly with the framework?


Jaypan’s picture

Content types with fields. All part of core.

nevets’s picture

Your properties field sounds a lot like a Drupal vocabulary

God Of Atheism’s picture

So, if I get it right, to implement this functionality I need to write a custom module implementing the necessary hooks?

nevets’s picture

I would use a vocabulary and a term reference field.

God Of Atheism’s picture

Thanks. I tried that and for some of the fields I need that seems fine. However, how do I get the user to both get the list of already existing terms in the vocabulary and have the option to instead add a new term when adding content (without leaving the add content page)? When I choose as widget check boxes/radio buttins or select list I have the former, when I choose autocomplete terms widget (tagging) I get the latter.

nevets’s picture

Autocomplete deluxe sounds like it will do what you want.

God Of Atheism’s picture

Thanks, that does indeed do exactly what I need.