this is my first website in Drupal 7, I'm trying to learn this framework, but I'm encountering a problem to which I could not find a solution yet.

I'm trying to create a page with a panel that has 2 views (as seen in this photo), the left view contains a list of categories (terms from taxonomy) and the right view contains a list/grid of projects (Content Type). Each project is of a single category and when I click on a category on the left side I want it to filter only the projects of that category on the right side, in the same page (or a new page with the same layout ../projects/category_term_1).

What happens now is that when I click on a category, I'm taken to a page that diplays the projects listed as taxonony term ( ../taxonomy/nr_taxonomy) different layout (like blog, but without categories on the left side).

I have aces to another project where the functionality that I want is implemented is a sort of similar type of pages. I tried to replicate all configuration from that site to mine, but the only difference that I'm able to notice is that the value of "STORAGE" column the administration/structure/pages is "normal" for my website and "in code" for the other site.



John_B’s picture

A taxonomy term which appears as a field on a piece of content works in the way you are seeing.

When you have a Views Filter filtering by taxonomy term, or by a field on a piece of content or other entity containing a taxonomy term (which is not the same - try out both), the term works as a Views filter. The views filter can be placed in a block: on the right side of the View under Advanced, there is a 'Exposed filter in block' setting.

Note that when a taxonomy term or a taxonomy field is used as a filter, it displays as a select menu or an autocomplete box. Unlike the core taxonomy term, it does not display as a list of links. To get it to display as a list of links, you would need the Better Exposed Filters module too.

I advise to get all this working first where the View has a page display. Then you can worry about the extra complexity of getting it working in two panes using Panels. When new to Drupal, jumping in to Views and Panels at the same time increases the 'learning curve': the book Drupal's Building Blocks covers these two modules well.

Digit Professionals specialising in Drupal, WordPress & CiviCRM support for publishers in non-profit and related sectors