When I run gulp, I see this error in Corona subtheme.

ReferenceError: rename is not defined
    at Gulp.gulp.task.gulp.src.pipe.compass.config_file (/sites/all/themes/masc/gulpfile.js:34:11)
    at module.exports (/sites/all/themes/masc/node_modules/gulp/node_modules/orchestrator/lib/runTask.js:34:7)
    at Gulp.Orchestrator._runTask (/sites/all/themes/masc/node_modules/gulp/node_modules/orchestrator/index.js:273:3)
    at Gulp.Orchestrator._runStep (/sites/all/themes/masc/node_modules/gulp/node_modules/orchestrator/index.js:214:10)
    at Gulp.Orchestrator.start (/sites/all/themes/masc/node_modules/gulp/node_modules/orchestrator/index.js:134:8)
    at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js:129:20
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:442:13)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:499:11)
    at startup (node.js:119:16)
    at node.js:929:3


iamcarrico’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (duplicate)

Has already been reported, and has been fixed in the generator.

Please update the generator.

codev0’s picture

Generator was updated, but issue is not solved.

I ran the npm update -g generator-drupal-theme. But I node_modules/generator-drupal-theme/extras/templates/gulpfile.js is nothing changed.

valgibson’s picture

If you ran into the same problem as I did, here's a quick fix: place the following line in the top of your gulpfile.js where all the other variables are being declared.

var rename = require('gulp-rename');

And of course install the required dependency ('npm install gulp-rename --save-dev') if you didn't do it already.