I want to install and create my eCommerce site on my Windows 7 PC using WampServer.

Assuming I have WAMP installed, how do I install Commerce Kickstart? Do I need to first install Drupal?

Thanks Guys - Glenn


Harry Hobbes’s picture

From https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_kickstart:

Important: WAMP has a bug causing Kickstart [version 2.x] to be non-installable. See #1648992: Connector submodule form Description is highlighting buggy WAMP install.
Use the Acquia Dev Desktop (see the tutorial), or some other stack if you run into this problem.

LeliaDRamirez’s picture

I am also looking for better answer

wusel’s picture

Look at https://www.drupal.org/documentation/install with the difference to install the distro https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_kickstart instead of Drupal core.

For details look at the docu http://www.drupalcommerce.org/, there look at http://www.drupalcommerce.org/commerce-kickstart-2/install

Good luck!


glenndrupal’s picture

Thanks, but does Commerce Kickstart install Drupal itself, or do I need to install Drupal first, then Commerce Kickstart?

wusel’s picture

I wrote:

install the distro https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_kickstart instead of Drupal core

"distro" means "Distribution", details on this therm (word) you find at https://www.drupal.org/project/project_distribution:

Distributions provide site features and functions for a specific type of site as a single download containing Drupal core, contributed modules, themes, and pre-defined configuration. They make it possible to quickly set up a complex, use-specific site in fewer steps than if installing and configuring elements individually.

Or read Using an installation profile (https://www.drupal.org/node/306267)!


The most questions have answers at https://drupal.org/documentation

The search at drupal.org and at google.com are your friends! Use them!!!

Did you ever read the first paragraph of "https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_kickstart"?

Commerce Kickstart is the quickest way to get up and running with Drupal Commerce. It includes the latest versions of Drupal core, Drupal Commerce, and the other modules it depends on. It also gives you a set of options to create a fully-featured demo store out of the box complete with an attractive theme, catalog and search configuration, and a custom back office interface.

If your answer is: "no" -> Why???


Good luck!


glenndrupal’s picture

Thanks much,

Do you know if Acquia Dev Desktop will run on a 64bit Windows 7 laptop?

If I develop 2 sites using Acquia Dev Desktop, can I export them and run them say on a Hostgator shared server?

I looked at some of the info Acquia Dev Desktop but it's not clear.

Thanks, Glenn

Harry Hobbes’s picture

First question: yes, it will.

Second question: yes, you can; although the term "export" is probably inaccurate. It's more like transferring a copy of the web site to the shared server. This is documented in a variety of places; a Google search of "upload localhost drupal website to shared server" lists several entries.

bwill’s picture

I just installed it on my W7 64 bit PC on WAMP. If you read and follow the directions, you will be fine. Also if you research the issues that may arise during install, they can be solved. Just extract the download into your www folder, and rename it. Then navigate to http://localhost/ and let the fun begin. I didn't need the Aquia environment.