I'm running Drupal 7 with the 7.x-2.0-beta4 module and have not been able to get any of my Facebook posts to show on my site. I set up a preset of type 'Facebook livestream plugin', added my app ID and created a block. On my FB developers page I added the temporary URL of my site to the 'Site URL' field.

When I place the resultant block in the page, the block shows but there's no content. I've run cron, but nothing. The code on my page is:

<div class="contextual-links-wrapper">
  <ul class="contextual-links">
    <li class="block-configure first last">
      <a href="/MY TEMP URL/admin/structure/block/manage/fb_social/fb_feed/configure?destination=node/1">Configure block</a>
<div class="fb-social-livestream-plugin">
  <fb:live-stream  event_app_id="FB APP ID NUMBER" width="200" height="500" xid="" via_url="" always_post_to_friends="false">      </fb:live-stream>

Am I using the proper plugin for what I'm trying to do?


jurgenhaas’s picture

I'm having a similar issue, my markup looks like this

<section id="block-fb-social-livestream" class="block block-fb-social contextual-links-region clearfix">
  <div class="fb-social-livestream-plugin">
    <fb:live-stream event_app_id="968476526549649" width="400" height="500" xid="" via_url="" always_post_to_friends="false"></fb:live-stream>

What'S also in the body is the folllowing snippet:

<div id="fb-root"></div><script type="text/javascript">
     window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
         appId: "968476526549649",
         status: true,
         cookie: true,
         xfbml: true,
         oauth : true,
         channelUrl: "http:\/\/kavo.localhost\/fb_social\/channel"
     (function() {
       var e = document.createElement('script');
       e.async = true;
       e.src = document.location.protocol + '//connect.facebook.net/de_DE/all.js';

When debugging this, then the all.js gets loaded but FB.init() never gets fired.

What am I doing wrong?