If you attempt to run DMU on the 7.x-2.x branch of Mollom, you get:

Error at 2673:70 in /Users/webchick/Sites/8.x/modules/mollom/mollom.module: invalid expression                                                                  [error]
Error at 2673:70 in /Users/webchick/Sites/8.x/modules/mollom/mollom.module: invalid expression                                                                  [error]
Error at 2673:70 in /Users/webchick/Sites/8.x/modules/mollom/mollom.module: invalid expression                                                                  [error]
Error at 2673:70 in /Users/webchick/Sites/8.x/modules/mollom/mollom.module: invalid expression                                                                  [error]
Error at 2673:70 in /Users/webchick/Sites/8.x/modules/mollom/mollom.module: invalid expression                                                                  [error]
Error at 2673:70 in /Users/webchick/Sites/8.x/modules/mollom/mollom.module: invalid expression                                                                  [error]

Which makes no sense because:

 * Log a Mollom system message.
 * @param $log
 *   @todo A list of message parts. Each item is an associative array whose keys are
 *   log message strings and whose corresponding values are t()-style
 *   replacement token arguments. At least one part is required.
# Line 2673...                                           position 70 v
 * In essence, this is a poor man's YAML implementation (give or take some
 * details, but note especially the indentation for array sub-elements).

(I put some debugging code in that died right after the parse error happened to see if this was a situation where the real problem line just moved around, but that's indeed what it's choking on.)


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Issue summary: View changes

Oops. Off-by-two error in the code snippet.