We need a web designer who has a great aesthetic sense and can do Drupal 7 front end and theming. We are looking for an expert who can do things quickly and do it the right way in Drupal!

Email jobs@dessci.com with your info.


1kenthomas’s picture

Do you need a graphic designer or a Drupal themer? Rarely do those two things come in the same package, and when they do, the hourly is usually quite a bit more.

Also, see jobs.drupal.org.

Patels77’s picture

i also need that pls provide me designs.
the cheesy animation -3D walkthrough

drupal_sh’s picture

You are very correct in that we are looking for someone who is rare. To clarify, we are not looking for this person to create graphics yet want that this person can do web design in terms of layouts, fonts, etc.

Jaypan’s picture

Hopefully one of the three people in the world that has both these skills will respond to you! (ok, slight exaggeration)