I follwed this tutorial exactly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cUWFLBZU5I&list=PL15BE2E8313A4E809

And at the very end where he gets to his drupal site and he's already logged in, I am not. I'm not logged in and when I enter in the username "admin" and the password that I created seconds before, it says "Access Denied, you are not authorized to access this page".

I had just started learning about Drupal, and everything I know about installing it is from that tutorial, so ELI5. This was the first step in my learning and I'm bummed that I can't even get through it without asking for help.



kbrinner’s picture

I'm not going to watch the video, but try doing the installation as outlined in the drupal installation guide.

wouser’s picture

Fortunately, you can request to reset your password on a fresh install; it will go to the email you have setup for this installation.

Hopefully this is the easy fix!

Wo User :)

diamanta29’s picture

This might sounds odd, but this happen to me too right after I finished installing drupal and tried to logged in I get this message
"Access Denied, you are not authorized to access this page".

But emptying the cache works for me. After that I can log back in. I use google chrome fyi

Hope it helps.