Hey guys, I am working with 'omega' theme and Drupal 7.
I want to edit nodes/pages at html level. How do i get access to it?
I don't mean inspecting elements in browser. A real access to actual html files of a particular page in drupal site.


Jaypan’s picture

Drupal doesn't use HTML files, content is stored in the database.

How you edit that content depends on the content you want to edit.

Wtower’s picture

Or perhaps if you mean the template files on which the HTML output is based on, you would need to take a look at Working with template suggestions and Drupal 7 Template (Theme Hook) Suggestions

Skandabhatt’s picture

i have some javascript codes for a module to work and i dont know where to include them

f4o’s picture

To include .js file(s) from your module check drupal_add_js function().

Wtower’s picture

In which case what I would do is a custom subtheme and include any js in there in the .info file.