Installation and usage

Last updated on
22 October 2019

Use Guardr as the base for a new Drupal project

Download Guardr 7.x-2.x-dev or use drush $ drush dl guardr.

Install Drupal using the Guardr codebase as you would normally, but make sure to select the Guardr profile during the installation process.

Building a Guardr instance for development and testing

Download the Guardr profile.

Build the instance:

$ drush --no-patch-txt make <path-to-guardr>/build-guardr.make <path-to-make-results>

Note: --no-patch-txt is optional, but recommended for production use. It prevents the creation of PATCHES.txt files in any project which has patches applied by the Guardr distribution.

And finally install the site with drush site-install:

$ cd <path-to-make-results>
$ drush si --db-url=mysql://[db_user]:[db_pass]@localhost/[db_name] --account-name=admin --account-pass=[account-password] --site-name=Guardr guardr

Or if you have drush 5 you can use drush qd to test Guardr:

$ cd <path-to-make-results>
$ drush qd --root=<path-to-make-results> --use-existing --profile=guardr --cache --watchdog --yes

You can also download, install, and run Guardr from one drush qd command:

$ drush qd guardr --core=guardr --profile=guardr --cache --watchdog --yes

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