I think that either the value of [field_time_1-value-24hour] in views should have a leading zero or there should be another token i.e. [field_time_1-value-24hour_zero] which has a leading zero. I'm using this in conjunction with Views Table Group to have days of the week as columns and sorting in time order. My sorting column for the times is currently [field_time_1-value-24hour] and I'm hiding it from display as it just looks odd to have the numbers without leading zeros or looking anything like a time value.

The views table group sorts alphabetically so as soon as you add :00 to the end of the rewritten token all the times before 12:00 appear after as for instance 9:00 is seen as being higher than 15:00 due to 15:00 starting with a "1".

BTW I'm only using Views Table Group because at the moment the calendar view doesn't appear to be working and displays no results.


aitala’s picture

The minute formatter has a similar issue, if it is '00' [field_meeting_time_2-value2-minute] renders that as '0'


dhcreative’s picture
