I have a Venue content type and an event content type. A Venue can have multiple events. In the Event content type i have a contextual relationship set up to select the venue. This all works fine.

I want to display a table of upcoming Events. So I created a new page and block view on the event content type. In the table along with all the event info I want to display the address of the Venue. This is in the Venue content type.

Nothing I have tried has worked. Even though I see address as a field option, it displays as blank.

How in the world do I do this? Seems like it should be very easy...

Content Types:
* Venue Name
* Venue Address (Postal Address field)
* Event Name
* Event Date
* Venue (Entity Reference)

The view I want to display the events in a table:
Event Date | Event Name | Venue | Venue Address (from Venue)

I can't for the life of me get "Venue Address" to display in the view!!! :-( I feel like it should be easy but it's just not happening. I have Contextual Filters and Relationships installed... and the address displays correctly when in the node view.

You can view here:

Thanks for help!!!!

Eventually I want to take it a step further and have a map view which displays upcoming shows. Stuck on that also. :-(


aprilr’s picture

Since I want the page to be helpful and we don't have a lot of dates right now, I'm going to hack it and add an extra field to the Event where I manually enter the City and State. However, I would really like a true answer to this issue as I have encountered it before and it has baffled me. I have googled for days.

aprilr’s picture

Of course, right after I post this, after having looked all day I have figured out how to make it do what I want.

I go into the view and on the "venue" field I select "Rendered Entity" for Formatter and then choose "Teaser". Then I gotta do some formatting, but it gets me 99% of the way there!


VM’s picture

The question posed is not theme dependent. Please edit the opening post and move it to the 'post installation' forum. Thank you.