Google Compute Engine provides virtual machines that you can use to run your own Cloud-hosted applications on the same infrastructure that runs all of Google. You can choose from a variety of virtual machines types that best fit your requirements and your budget.

Get started

You can quickly deploy Drupal on Google Compute Engine using the click-to-deploy tool in the Google Developers Console. New customers are eligible for a free trial that offers a $300 credit that is good for 365 days.

  1. Create a Google account if you don't already have one.
  2. Open the Drupal click-to-deploy page.
  3. Create a new project or choose an existing project.
  4. In the form, enter your desired Drupal credentials.
  5. Choose a machine type, zone, and disk size. You might use a g1-small machine if you only trying things out.
  6. Click Deploy Drupal.
  7. When the deployment finishes, click the Compute Engine Instance List link.
  8. On the VM instances list page, click the IP address for the Drupal instance (drupal-xxxx).
  9. Choose to Allow HTTP traffic, click Apply.
  10. When the firewall rule is applied, the external IP will become a link to your site. Click the external IP address to launch your Drupal site.
  11. Log in with the admin username and the password that you specified in the form.

Learn more about Drupal on the Google Cloud Platform.

Next steps

You might next want to associate your own hostname with the Drupal site, you can configure your own DNS provider to point to the external IP address from the Developers Console or you can use Google Cloud DNS. If you choose Cloud DNS, ensure that you update your domain registrar's records to use Google Cloud's DNS servers.


hasan_raza’s picture

The above tutorial is very good however I have found a much simpler way to deploy drupal on google cloud using Cloudways. First you simply have to sign up for Cloudways Cloud Platform on, then you are taken to cloud console screen , where first you select the type of cloud like GCE, then you select the application like drupal, moving you have to select server size, location, bandwidth and storage disk size for GCE server then on final step just click the launch button, wait for some time you get complete GCE with drupal. These steps are also explained very nicely on here

maq.said’s picture

Hi! May I know the reasons for you going for Cloud hosting and prefering GCE over AWS and normal hosting. Using Cloudways, does it create dependency on it.