Hello and thanks for the theme

I have installed Open Atrium to test and made a Open Atrium Radix subtheme. I wasn't able to edit on page with Panoply. After searching a lot I discover that changing the z-index to 1001 on _panels.scss (I created a .scss on my subtheme)

div#panels-ipe-control-container {
// needs to be above most stuff, but below the dropdown
// which are at z-index 1000
z-index: 999;

the site will show the buttons to be able to edit.

At the moment I have not problem with the dropdown. Maybe has something changed? Thanks a lot


candelas’s picture

At the end, I didn't want to change the z-index above the dropdown, so the solution was

.responsive-panels-region.responsive-panels-region-top {
  position: relative;
  z-index: 990;

I hope it helps anybody :)

adamwhite’s picture

I saw the same issue when when I created a subtheme of OA Radix. In the assets/javascripts/scripts.js there's some code that moves the IPE control container div on the page:

		// adjust the position of the IPE buttons
		var $ipe = $('#panels-ipe-control-container');
		if ($ipe.length) {
			var $main = $('#main');
			var $element = $ipe.detach();

If you copy that over to your script in the subtheme it positions this where you'd expect it to be. I've not yet tested the implications of moving everything in that script over to the subtheme but I'd suspect if that bit is needed the rest would be as well.