Hi all,
I have been playing with creating nodes programmatically. In the content type Basic Page I have added a field basic_image. How do I tell the node where the image is and to upload it when I install my custom module? The example below is the node inside my custom module .install file.

//-- About page
   $node = new stdClass();
   $node->type = 'page';

   $node->title    = 'About';
   $node->language = LANGUAGE_NONE;
   $node->menu['enabled'] = 1;       // 1 to enable providing a link in main menu
   $node->menu['link_title'] = 'About';
   $node->menu['description'] = 'What is this website about page';
   $node->menu['parent'] = 'main-menu:0';
   $node->menu['weight'] = 5;
   $node->body[$node->language][0]['value']   = testArticle();
   $node->body[$node->language][0]['format']  = 'full_html';
   $node->changed = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; //yet to be tested
   $node->created = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; //yet to be tested
   $node->status = 1;        // 1 means published
   $node->promote = 0;
   $node->revision = 0;
   $node->path['alias'] = 'about';


kunalkursija’s picture

This might help you out , https://www.drupal.org/node/201594

Purencool’s picture

Worked great thanks