I have 3 nodes with the following Geofield fields:
Node Type A- field_geo_a (geocode from field location_a)
Node Type B- field_geo_b (geocode from field location_b)
Node Type C- field_geo_c (geocode from field location_c)

I now have a requirement to do a proximity search on all 3 node types at once.

Option A would be to create 3 different Views and then combine on the same page.
Option B would be to add a common-named Geofield field to all the node types and update each existing node.
(Is there an Option C that I am forgetting?)

If I go with Option B (create a common field name and geocode from the same field as the existing Geofield field), what are the downsides of having 2 Geofield fields for the same node? (Obviously it means 2 fields updated every time a node is created/updated, but does that require 2 geocode calls?)

I already have several Views developed using the existing Geofield fields, so it would require a lot of work to go through and update those views (and corresponding theming/CSS) if I delete those existing fields.