Has anyone been able to make SHS work with the PrePopulate module? I spent 15 minutes trying it out and wasn't able to get it to work. I'm trying to save my users a bunch of clicking when they have a large number of nodes with deep taxonomies to enter. Otherwise I guess I'll resort to Views Bulk Operations once they've entered the nodes, although that presents a number of issues as well.



abrlam’s picture

It is possible but you have to modify the module a bit.

Consider the following modification a hack (form alteration occurs right at the beginning instead of at the end):

in function prepopulate_form_alter (around line 36)

  if (isset($_REQUEST['edit'])) {
    //comment out the following line
    //$form['#after_build'][] = 'prepopulate_after_build';

    //add the following (hack...)
    $form = prepopulate_after_build($form, $form_state);

Prepopulate Taxonomy Example: