Hi all

I've got involved in a Beer and Cider import business in Taiwan thats currently running its website on Joomla - it just about does the job, but it could be doing a lot more. The ability to easily manage content in multiple languages, create multiple sites from one core installation, plus extensibility has led me to consider Drupal as a replacement.

Two additional key features that I would love to incorporate into a web-based system would be the ability for customers to enquire about product availability via the website (the sale of alcohol online is illegal in Taiwan) and also to manage inventory levels. If a B2B ordering system could also be included it would be even better.

Is there a module or set of modules out there that could achieve these kind of goals?

Thanks in advance, Ryan.


WorldFallz’s picture

Even though you're actually not going to do the selling online, you could use commerce and commerce_stock and just not enable the checkout/payment functionality.

You could also do it by simply adding a 'quantity' field to a content type representing the items. You can then create a bulk quantity management page with views and views_bulk_operations.

For b2b you could create a different role for "B" vs "C" users and only allow the B's to purchase. Also see commerce_purchase_order.

ryan.gillies’s picture

Sounds ideal, I will investigate further, thank you for the feedback!