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Provide an Embeddable Widget option for Views aside from Page and Block. This will enable the view to be embedded to any website as Javascript, IFrame/FBML (Facebook support and similar), Google Gadget, or even Flash.

Most of Drupal's usage is for presentation of content and aggregation. Before we syndicate contents as pure data using RSS/ATOM but with introductions of FaceBook applications, Google Gadgets and the likes has opened the concept of syndicated logic with data. What this means is site owners can now distribute how their data is presented as well as the how users will interact with their data.

Now think of Drupal modules as application; with Views as Widgets we are not just allowing syndication of content (data, including media type contents) but the modules (logic) themselves. In short any of the modules that has views or can be rendered as views will have the ability to be embedded on any site.

See also Drupal will Explode your Site into a Million Pieces, and Why You Want That