
My name is Dadi and this is my first post on Drupal forums. I am new to Drupal and fairly new to PHP as well. :D
I am still reading the Drupal documentation and doing tutorials so please be gentle with me. :)

I would like to create a webpage and I need some guidance or any helpful advice.

I would like my users to input a statement(ex: "The sky is blue") and once this statement is input I would like for other users to see it and vote for it. ex: Yes, No, Maybe, and other options.

This is not a simple poll, because I would like to index the statements by metatags and title and be able to search them.

I would like to have this "statements" show up on a page like separate entities (kind of like blog posts) or by categories.

Would anybody set me on the right track with developing this?
Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Jaypan’s picture


You can move the thread by editing the original post and choosing 'Before you start' as the forum.

Thank you.

pixelsweatshop’s picture

You are going to create a content type called "Satement" and add the field you require ( it sounds like the default body field with be enough). Then, use a voting module like https://www.drupal.org/project/votingapi so users can add their votes. The use the views module to list them. https://www.drupal.org/project/views

dadiuc’s picture

seems I won't be doing so much coding as I expected.
Drupal seems pretty f***ing awesome! :D