
I use openlayers to create a google maps style page. So I have the map on the right and the listing of results on the left. I have an proximity exposed filters in a block.

My problem is that all is working well for non-ajax view. As the exposed filters argument is passed throught a $_GEt parameter, all my views blocks are aware of it and restrict results depending on my location.

The problem occurs with an ajax view. The argument is not passed throught $_GET variable anymore and when I use the exposed filter on an ajax view, it refresh only my map (or only my listing, depending on the block I put in my page as I have 2 blocks).

I don't want to expose the 2 exposed blocks I have cause it would be redondant for the user, and I don't want to use view attachment as it's too limitative (I use panels to place my blocks etc...) and using view attachment I cannot use panels anymore.

That's why I think it would be useful to have an option to share one exposed filters for several view display, an option that would work for ajax views (as it already works with non-ajax view if the name of your filter is the same between your different views display).

Is there any known solution that allow to do that without using the view attachment display ? Can you plan to add that feature ?

Thank you
