Hi, I'm a newbie to Drupal, Cartaro, webgis and whatever.. I'm trying to understand a bit how to install Cartaro 1.4 on my webserver on a local virtual machine (virtualbox) running Ubuntu server 12.04.

I'm following the instruction from:


At the moment I'm stuck at the "Cartaro Installation" step ..
I've downloaded the latest version of cartaro and decompressed it

sudo wget http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/cartaro-7.x-1.4-core.tar.gz
sudo tar -xzvf drupal-x.x.tar.gz
sudo mv cartaro-7.x-1.4 cartaro7

I've tried to point to the extracted Cartaro download within my webserver from my windows7 host to proceed with the graphical installer.. but I got this:

HTTP Status 404 - /cartaro7
type Status report
message /cartaro7
description The requested resource (/cartaro7) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.26

then I tried to install it manually from
but it didn't work.

Most likely I'm missing some basic knowledge of the problem.. I'm sorry, hope you can help me. I would just like to learn a bit and do it by myself..

thanks in advance for your support.



zorbhellas’s picture


like I said.. I'm a newbie but quite stubborn (is it the right word.. sorry I'm italian)

So I think I fixed at least some steps.. Now I can access the installation procedure on my browser.

I followed this post: https://groups.drupal.org/node/180139

so I reinstalled the packages reported there, just to be sure to have everything needed, and I did all the steps.

I had to change the read and write permission to the Cartaro7 folder in order to allow the creation of folder etc..

sudo chmod -R 777 <..webapps/cartaro folder>

finally I followed this post: https://www.drupal.org/node/2133103

to build and install php-gdal and start my Cartaro Installation

but I'm not able to enable the gdal module with the command

sudo php5enmod gdal

I read that in Ubuntu 12.04 the command is not available.. is there a way to walk around the problem and enable the module
or should I just start from the beginning with a new virtual machine running Ubuntu server 14.04 ?

Thanks for the support,


friedjoff’s picture


you should be able to put the gdal.so file into the PHP extension directory (look for the the extension_dir directive in the phpinfo() output). Afterwards add the gdal.ini file like documented in https://www.drupal.org/node/2133103 and restart Apache. Otherwise try to update PHP to version 5.4.

Anonymous’s picture

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