Installing Drupal 8 Beta, I have below message

Fatal error: Class 'Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response' not found in F:\xampp14\htdocs\drupal8\core\vendor\symfony\http-foundation\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse.php on line 22

plz help


John_B’s picture

Sorry you have not had a response sooner. Frankly Drupal 8 is really not that stable yet, and using a Windows environment increases the problems. We could debug, but you will probably see more of those problems. If you must run it on Windows without putting it in a Linux virtual machine, I would recommend using Acqia Dev Desktop, which does now support Drupal 8.

Digit Professionals specialising in Drupal, WordPress & CiviCRM support for publishers in non-profit and related sectors