This is (hopefully) a very basic question. We would like to add a blog that would be branded differently than the rest of our site. How do I create a blog that has a different masthead and overall look than the rest of our site? Could we use a different theme? If we did should I be looking to create a new content type? View?

thanks for your help! I am learning as I go with drupal!


Jaypan’s picture

If it's just a few minor changes, you can usually make them by adjusting the visibility of the blocks that are shown on the pages in question, and changing some colors etc for those specific pages using CSS. If it's an entirely different layout, you can create a new theme for the pages in question, then set that theme to be shown on those pages. To do this, I believe there are some modules that can assist, one I've read about is the themekey module. I don't have much knowledge on the module method however, as I implement hook_custom_theme() in a module and set the theme to be shown based on the current path of the page.

CHW Central’s picture

I added this module last night and was able to set the theme based on the path. I just need to read more about themeing in order to make it look how I want it to look. within the theme settings I can change the color, logo, favicon, etc but i need to read more to develop further customization.

Thanks for your help

XandieL’s picture

i think you can alter the page template for the specific node


I like the universe, but she messes with my words
I'm not talking planets or galaxies and the distance just makes it worse.
I know what you're thinking, this probably sounds rehearsed.

Noe_’s picture

If it has to be a totally different theme on some pages (for example landing pages) you could use the ThemeKey module.

Also if you want the theme to change on a specific day, like for example independence day, or christmas.

Noë Snaterse