I installed ruby and gems using the rails installer.

This is the error I get. http://i.gyazo.com/21da43b3d87a90a208799a5ed2910202.png

My Gem file
source 'https://rubygems.org'

group :development do

# Sass, Compass and extensions.
gem 'sass' # Sass.
gem 'sass-globbing' # Import Sass files based on globbing pattern.
gem 'compass' # Framework built on Sass.
gem 'compass-validator' # So you can `compass validate`.
gem 'compass-normalize' # Compass version of normalize.css.
gem 'compass-rgbapng' # Turns rgba() into .png's for backwards compatibility.
gem 'susy' # Susy grid framework.
gem 'singularitygs' # Alternative to the Susy grid framework.
gem 'toolkit' # Compass utility from the fabulous Snugug.
gem 'breakpoint' # Manages CSS media queries.
gem 'oily_png' # Faster Compass sprite generation.
gem 'css_parser' # Helps `compass stats` output statistics.

# Guard
gem 'guard' # Guard event handler.
gem 'guard-compass' # Compile on sass/scss change.
gem 'guard-shell' # Run shell commands.
gem 'guard-livereload' # Browser reload.
gem 'yajl-ruby' # Faster JSON with LiveReload in the browser.

# Dependency to prevent polling. Setup for multiple OS environments.
# Optionally remove the lines not specific to your OS.
# https://github.com/guard/guard#efficient-filesystem-handling
gem 'rb-inotify', '~> 0.9', :require => false # Linux
gem 'rb-fsevent', :require => false # Mac OSX
gem 'rb-fchange', :require => false # Windows


I have searched the internet and have tried suggested solution but nothing is working.
Already been through this thread and tried all the suggested solutions. https://www.drupal.org/node/2323235


pkiff’s picture

I don't know why this would be, but I might help rule out a couple things before you get better assistance elsewhere.

First, I know you say you tried all the solutions in that other thread, but I see you are still using whatever sass-globbing version is identified as the latest. In my Windows install (using Windows Ruby Installer, not the Rails installer), I found I had to specify the sass-globbing version in my gem file at lines 7-8:

#  gem 'sass-globbing'           # Import Sass files based on globbing pattern.
gem 'sass-globbing', '1.1.0'  # add specific version to fix incompatibility problem

That's what they recommend in post #13 of the solution thread you link to:

Second, it sounds like breakpoint is not even available in your gem folder for some reason. Did you follow the regular "bundle install" procedures for getting all the gems installed? Do you get an error if you run bundle install from your subtheme folder again? Can you check what it says about breakpoint in your gemlock file? One functioning theme of mine with Omega 4.2 says (around lines 5-7):

    breakpoint (2.0.7)
      compass (>= 0.12.1)
      sass (>= 3.2.0)