I would like to have a basic comment block to keep historical track of notes/comments.

Something like this would be just perfect:
Only local images are allowed.

I found it on drupalgardens (http://www.drupalgardens.com/documentation/customizing-comments-and-sorting) bu I just don't know how they do it.

I would like to display 2 comments only but with a scroll bar to see the others.
Is it possible? How can I do that?

Thanks a lot!


Jaypan’s picture


You can move the thread by editing the original post and choosing 'Post Installation' as the forum.

Thank you.

paean99’s picture

You can use Views to create a block view of comments. A good series of videos on views Taming the Beast: Learn Views with NodeOne.
Add contextual filter for it to be relevant on the page being viewed Using Views Contextual Filters to Create a Related Content Block With Drupal 7.
For the scroll, you could use CSS. Just give a fixed height to the div of the block and add 'overflow: scroll;' CSS overflow Property. For this last one you will have to learn a little about drupal theming.
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