This projects bundles "Noceda Font Pro" with 304 Gwikons (Groundwork icons).

This particular asset is made available by its author for reuse under the SIL OFL licence. While it is perfectly legal under this license to include an asset under this license in a repo that is otherwise under GPLV2+, it is currently the policy of that all assets hosted on must be licensed under GPL V2+.

This policy is described in the 3rd party libraries and content on It also appears in the Drupal Git Repository Usage policy.

It should be noted that the Git license policy is under review, and that third party content under under SIL OFL may be allowed under a revised policy. (See parent issue: #1856762: Revisit and Redefine Drupal's Policy on hosting 3rd party files and/or files that is not strictly GPL).

This notice is posted to bring this project (along with others in the same situation) under review and tagged with licensingpolicy. There is no need to act upon the above until the policy issue regarding licensing is resolved.


gisle’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Fixed link to parent issue.

gisle’s picture

Set this as a child issue of the LWG tracker. It is entered in the LWG issue queue as an exception request, similar to other projects bundling SIL OFL licensed assets.