I have a page here: http://dmta.right-brain.net/religious/st-elizabeth-ann-seton# that has a flex slider on it. But I have a problem I don't know how to solve. Is there a way to get the main slider to take up 13 columns and the thumbnails to take up 3 columns and vertically align the thumnbail navs?

I modified the existing code for these classes but it doesn't work. It won't resize properly


.flex-control-nav {width: 100%; position: absolute; top:0px; right: 100px;
	text-align: center;}
flex-viewport {width:80.5% !important;float:right;}
.flex-control-thumbs {width:30% !important;float:right;margin:0 !important;}
.flex-control-thumbs li {width:auto !important; display: inline-block;

Thoughts? I made this flexslider by formating my image fields as a flexslider. And ......i have a feeling you can't force these fields into a nested grid that way.

As in Content takes up 16 cols but in "content" is another gird that takes up 13 col for the main slide and 3 col for the thumbnails which I want to be vertical....

Any thoughts?