I’d like to exclude certain pages/nodes from having a cache generated. I’ve added the path’s via (admin/config/system/boost):
Boost cacheability settings » Cache specific pages » All pages except those listed

However caches are still being generated on pages with domain specific paths.
Note: Pages with typical paths work as expected.


nickw’s picture

I tried doing a work around today by using the PHP returns true option. But still no luck.
Is my code off, or is the PHP returns TRUE option not working?

Here's my code:

$boost_cache = TRUE;
$directory = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
if (strstr($directory, "twitter/oauth") == TRUE) { $boost_cache = FALSE; }
if (strstr($directory, "careers") == TRUE) { $boost_cache = FALSE; }
if (strstr($directory, "cache-test") == TRUE) { $boost_cache = FALSE; }	
return $boost_cache;
nickw’s picture


I'd be willing to pay/support for this upgrade.