
I know how to restrict/manage access to a node based on a user's "role" using permissions.

I run a job board, and I want candidates to upload CVs, and have a field where they choose which companies "which is actually the usernames" they do not want to see their CV.

Is there anyway to restrict a username from seeing content when creating that content?


Thib’s picture

You have to use the ACL module https://www.drupal.org/project/acl

CD’s picture

Thanks Thib,

Two things, is there not a way to reverse this and not grant access but choose users to deny access to?
Also, it is for grant access an autocomplete term widget, is there anyway to change this to another entry method like checkboxes/radio buttons or select list?


CD’s picture

I'm using ACL now and it's a solution, but when a client says they want to block a user and i have 200 users that they don't want to block I have to do 200 actions not 1 action.

I wish they would add this functionality, but as I'm not a coder/module maker maybe it's a very hard thing to do and I'm not aware of it?

Thib’s picture

This should be possible by combining Content Access, ACL, VBO and Rules modules. I will advice to see these tutorials: http://nodeone.se/en/learn-the-rules-framework

gisle’s picture

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