On commerce_cardonfile's project page:

add the Charge Card action inside the loop in the create orders from recurring entities reaction rule.

but there is no "Charge Card" action, nor is there a "create orders from recurring entities" rule.

The closest action is "Charge an order with a card on file".

The closest rules are:

  • Create a recurring entity when the order is completed
  • Charge pending recurring orders
  • Generate recurring orders on cron run

So that instruction is not accurate. I would include accurate instructions here for you to use but I have not been able to get this working yet.


ahillio’s picture

I'm not sure what those instructions are referring to... but I found that no configuration of rules was necessary. It just works :)

renee_nistler’s picture

I am having this same problem. What rule and what action does the statement in the documentation refer to?

ahillio’s picture

I imagine that instruction was required originally but became outdated and unnecessary at some point. I have commerce_cardonfile working with commerce_recurring and it didn't require I configure any of the rules they provide.

ahillio’s picture

Title: instructions on project page for commerce_recurring are incorrect » instructions on project page for commerce_recurring are confusing