gd_infinite_scroll 7.x-1.7

Bug fixes

Issue #2598120 by evaldask: loadOnScroll execute earlier before the bottom is reached
Issue #2705303 by oostie, albertski, ptt-homme, botris, estoyausente, rekaeps: Typo in hook_menu which results in errors about missing modules.

gd_infinite_scroll 7.x-1.5

Bug fixes
New features

- Add the option to have a simple ajax pager visible instead of infinite
scroll or load more. (beta)
- Fix javascript for ajax pager
- Issue #2502415 by sebto, delta : Prevent duplicate settings.
- Issue #2522880 by delta, evaldask: Fix a regression introduced in issue
- Optimize ajax-loader.gif (404 bytes -> 277 bytes)
- Remove a console.log(), clean ajax loader Only local images are allowed.

gd_infinite_scroll 7.x-1.4

Security update

This release include only the fix for the security issue :

SA-CONTRIB-2015-031 - GD Infinite Scroll - Multiple vulnerabilites

There's no need to run update.php.
The cache_menu needs to be flushed.

gd_infinite_scroll 7.x-1.2

New features

Move the gd infinite scroll settings initialisation in
hook_preprocess_page instead of hook_preprocess_pager, so the settings
can be used for other pager that theme('pager');

gd_infinite_scroll 7.x-1.1

Bug fixes
New features

Commit 61ee628 on 7.x-1.x by delta Update the README.txt

Commit 4f10258 on 7.x-1.x by delta Issue #2343017: Use libraries to load jquery.autopager module

Commit f7b5d37 on 7.x-1.x by delta Issue #2343019: Add the option to add a "load more" button, instead of autoload.

Commit 92d6d3f on 7.x-1.x by delta add an argument name optional to the function gd_infinite_scroll_add_unique_setting(), to allow developers to call this in her code, and force the settings to be added without URL check. See #2341475

Commit 03f84bb on 7.x-1.x by delta Make URL not required.

gd_infinite_scroll 7.x-1.0-rc1

Bug fixes
New features

Fix: Multiple pager on the same page break the JS settings.
add an api function that can be called for other type of pager.

gd_infinite_scroll 7.x-1.0-beta2


Fix the format and the return of gd_infinite_scroll_settings_load_by_url().

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