Hi All,

Im having an issue with select lists and entity reference. Here is what I have done:

1. Added an image field to Taxonomy Terms in a specific vocab
2. Added various terms with the icon image
3. Created a content type with an Entity Reference filed using the autocomplete widget
4. Created a taxonomy view with an entity reference to use for the autocomplete widget
5. Set the view to be used for the autocomplete widget field

When typing in the autocomplete widget field the view is rendered as expected, showing the icon then the term name. I then decided that this wasn't the way to go and that a select list would be better however when I change the widget to a select list still with the view set on the field only the term names with no image are displayed. Can select boxes not include rendered entity views? and if they cant should this be an option for the select list option. I am also not allowing multiple items only single select if that makes any difference.

Any advice would be great



GAMe’s picture

Ok so I did some more tests and it renders the view just doesn't show the image field :-/

GAMe’s picture

Any one else have any thoughts on getting images to appear in the select list?