I am totally new to this so please bear with me...I am diving in to drupal to assist my developer on my website...

since the hosting plan I have includes drupal I am trying to find information on this site about how to develop an integral part of my site which pertains to allowing individual members (users) to edit their profile page (change background image mainly)...add content/links/etc...similar but far simpler than something like facebook or myspace...

we have an initial signup page that creates the account with some information...but will definitely need to allow them to add/delete and edit content on their page...

I have used the search function on the drupal forums but im not even sure if I am using the right terminology to find what I am looking for because I haven't found anything even close to what im looking for...and not even sure if this is a module I will be able to find or will have to develop it myself...so I thought I would come here and ask if anyone might be able to point me in the right direction...cos I don't know if I will need a module to integrate into the site or individual profile pages themselves or what...

thanks in advance for any guidance...


WorldFallz’s picture

Sounds like you might be looking for http://drupal.org/project/profile2 (to allow users to have a full node which they can edit associated with their account).

Providing a customizable background image is something entirely different. One way to do it would be to add an image field to their profile, then theme profile pages to use that image as the background.

puppy38’s picture

I appreciate that...gonna give it a look...I may opt for just a larger profile image...found a great video about doing what im trying to do on youtube...ive got a lot to learn...thanks!

richaAnkit’s picture

share the knowledge as I am trying to do the same

drummondf’s picture

Hi Puppy, welcome to Drupal!

Big tip: Don't search Drupal.org, just search Google with the word "drupal" - Google's search is way more effective than Drupal's on-site search ;)

I agree with the above, Profile2 is a great module to use. However you can also use the core user account features and add fields for the additional things you need to include. Profile2 will require some work connecting into the rest of the site and user functionality.


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cjordan’s picture

You probably got this sorted out by now. But here's what you need, https://www.drupal.org/node/874026. It should be as easy as that. And yes searching google is much faster I'm afraid.

WorldFallz’s picture

The very first sentence on the page you linked states that the core profile module is deprecated as of d7... It's definitely not recommended to use. Profile2, which is being prepared for core inclusion, is the way to go.

drummondf’s picture


Agreed, Profile2 is globally accepted as the way to go and is ideal for this scenario.

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