When I type www.sciencefreak.be/user and log in, the admin menu on the top is not showing up anymore. Can someone help?


John_B’s picture

This is rather a common problem, particularly if you are using the contributed admin_menu rather than the Toolbar module in core. Clearing caches may help. (If you have alternative caching such as memcache that can make a normal cache clear fail in part.) You may also check whether it works when you switch theme to a Drupal core theme.

Digit Professionals specialising in Drupal, WordPress & CiviCRM support for publishers in non-profit and related sectors

Anonymous’s picture

Please fix permission in the drupal instance
to save time u can use the below code, saved to a file and then use
bash filename.sh drupal_path computer_username


#group="psaserv" # uncomment for Plesk based setup
help="\nHelp: This script is used to fix permissions of a drupal installation\nyou need to provide the following arguments:\n\t 1) Path to your drupal installation\n\t 2) Username of the user that you want to give files/directories ownership\nNote: \"www-data\" (apache default) is assumed as the group the server is belonging to, if this is different you need to modify it manually by editing this script\n\nUsage: (sudo) bash ${0##*/} drupal_path user_name\n"

if [ -z "${path}" ] || [ ! -d "${path}/sites" ] || [ ! -f "${path}/modules/system/system.module" ]; then
	echo "Please provide a valid drupal path"
	echo -e $help

if [ -z "${user}" ] || [ "`id -un ${user} 2> /dev/null`" != "${user}" ]; then
	echo "Please provide a valid user"
	echo -e $help

cd $path;
echo -e "Changing ownership of all contents of \"${path}\" :\n user => \"${user}\" \t group => \"${group}\"\n"
chown -R ${user}:${group} .
echo "Changing permissions of all directories inside \"${path}\" to \"750\"..."
find . -type d -exec chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o= {} \;
echo -e "Changing permissions of all files inside \"${path}\" to \"640\"...\n"
find . -type f -exec chmod u=rw,g=r,o= {} \;

cd $path/sites;

echo "Changing permissions of \"files\" directories in \"${path}/sites\" to \"770\"..."
find . -type d -name files -exec chmod ug=rwx,o= '{}' \;
echo "Changing permissions of all files inside all \"files\" directories in \"${path}/sites\" to \"660\"..."
find . -name files -type d -exec find '{}' -type f \; | while read FILE; do chmod ug=rw,o= "$FILE"; done
echo "Changing permissions of all directories inside all \"files\" directories in \"${path}/sites\" to \"770\"..."
find . -name files -type d -exec find '{}' -type d \; | while read DIR; do chmod ug=rwx,o= "$DIR"; done
echo "Applying group inheritance"
sudo chmod -R g+s $path;
Shashwat Purav’s picture

On "Administration menu" configuration page, under "Performance" tab, I just unchecked "Cache menu in client-side browser" option and it worked for me. :)

Thank You,
Shashwat Purav

uLottie’s picture

Thanks, Shashwar, that resolved the issue for me. I appreciate it.

wotney’s picture

in order to uncheck the "Cache menu in client-side browser" option, you should browse to this URL:
