
I have been watching some Drupal-tutorials lately and found that often using drush is recommended.
However, I'm not sure how to use it. I only do small websites for friend and relatives and normally I install Drupal on a webspace, choose a theme, do some configurations through the web-interface and then design everything in css.

I cannot use SSH on my webspace so I can't use drush, right? I found, that most providers won't let u use SSH, so how do you use drush?

Do you create your websites on your local machine and then migrate them?


VM’s picture

developing locally and deploying after the build is most often preferable to developing directly on a public server. Drush would work locally.

If you are on a shared host and they don't already have drush available for use then it is highly unlikely that you can use drush on their servers.

boban_dj’s picture

I recommend using filezilla client or any ftp client, for uploading to your host server. It is easy to edit your drupal site locally and upload when something is changed.
Just to make sure you understand, every Drupal installation is a folder with all the .php files inside from the core installation.
Inside drupal_core_folder/sites/ is your "website". So migrating or reinstalling is easy. When you remove the /sites/default/settings.php file and copy the default.settings.php to settings.php in the same folder then browse to your site, you will have a new install. Only the database you will need to make.
So it is also easy to update the Drupal core, just remove all but the drupal_core/sites folder.

So when uploading with filezilla, you can also see the permissions of the files.
Some quick adjustments you can also make if your host server has Cpanel.
It is like a admin panel, in the Filemanager in Cpanel you can remove and edit files. Upload again only with ftp. (Filezilla client, not filezilla server)

When you got Cpanel in your host, you can manage FTP accounts, you can download a config file, after you make a user with password.
The download the xml file , import in Filzezilla and open the sitesmanager. You can change settings so It does not ask everytime the password, if you make it normal.

Also make sure your provider host, has ftp enabled, as this is sometimes not enabled by default.

Again drush is easy when you have multiple sites and develop a lot of drupal.
manually adding or removing files and making databases is as easy and fast as drush for developing one site on local machine.


Jaypan’s picture

Most shared hosts will give you SSH access if you ask for it, it's just not enabled by default.