I've got an interesting scenario that, after hours of searching this morning, I've found no acceptable answer for.

I need to print node fields in to different regions of my omega sub-theme, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do that.

I've looked at the Display Suite module, but that doesn't work because it's using its own templates, and I need to be able to utilize the already existing zones and regions from Omega.

We've tried creating a custom node template, but that doesn't give us the flexibility we need to print our fields in to regions other than the content region.

We've got several fields in our content type - image fields, text fields, etc. - and we need to be able to control the region they're rendered in. The problem is that they're obviously all rendered inside the main content region and we have various places we need to render these fields outside the normal area.

A couple thoughts:

We do NOT want to use blocks. We've already got more than enough blocks on this project, so using something like CCK Blocks or something like that isn't really what we're looking to do.

We'd prefer that the solution live completely in the theme. May sound a little obvious, but we'd prefer to write our own solution, or find some way of doing this that doesn't include adding more modules.

I'm thinking there is a way to do this through adding code to the template.php or as some sort of preprocess/process function but I'm not sure where to begin.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


roborracle’s picture


roborracle’s picture

heh. I guess not.