what are the hooks for custom the views UI ?
for example : add a section just after the "pager" section of views UI (second column) .



ica1’s picture

maybe with hook_preprocess_HOOK() :
function views_ui_preprocess_views_view(&$variables)

in views_ui.module

hwi2’s picture

In some of my custom modules, I interact with the views UI use hook_views_pre_render() and I access different parts with a call to drupal_add_css() if the UI needs CS changes or hook_form_alter() if the form rendered by the views needs to change.

hook_views_pre_render(&$view) {

  if ($view->name=='viewname') {



  // other views might go here


function custom_change_view_ui_form_alter($form_id, &$form)

hook code
return $form;

This is not my exact code, but it worked for me in some of my custom modules.

Hope this helps.